Beef Chimichurri and New Potatoes Crunch Salad

Tonight it was time for another Jamie Oliver 15 minute meal. This time I tried Beef Chimichurri and New Potatoes Crunch Salad which I hadn’t made before.

I’m going to be honest, even when laying out the ingredients I knew it was going to be tasty! You can’t go wrong with steak and greens! Especially on a Monday!

It took about 20 minutes to cook – I think I’m getting the hang of his recipes now!
I thought boiling the potatoes with a lemon was a little weird but they tasted awesome afterwards – but then I’m a fan of citrus flavours so I would say that!

I made a couple of adaptations to the recipe. I’m not a huge fan of raw tomatoes so I cooked them in the same way as the daal recipe describes, as that is delicious!

Also we couldn’t find any fresh pees in the shops so settled for frozen pees and soaked them in boiled water from the kettle until required. This defrosted them nicely.

Also I used spinach instead of little gems as I think it tastes much nicer and it’s much better for you!
The meal was amazing! Really fast and simple to make and really filling thanks to the protein filled steak.

The sauce was my favourite as it was spicy and tangy and would make any salad taste great!

This would make a perfect summer meal especially if the steak was cooked in the bar-b-q! Yum!

I only used half the ingredients so I’ll be cooking this again at the weekend – I can’t wait!


Published by

Fi Munro PhD

Fi Munro, Ph.D. is a specialist in helping people to turn their lives around and start living for today. As a best selling author, a multi award winning researcher, award winning blogger and public speaker recognised internationally for her presentations and articles on holistic health and the importance of living for today she is renowned for inspiring people to change their lives.
She has been featured in two BBC documentaries, in TV and radio shows, and in newspaper and magazine articles across the globe. Today she is healthier and happier than ever before and believes cancer saved her life. She is currently training to be a shaman and is excited for what the future holds.

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